Our Year 1 income

Philanthropist, John Caudwell, will match fund 33% of all annual budgeted income from Year 2, covering most of our core costs. In Year 1, John additionally supports set-up costs of the charity, leading to a greater proportional contribution to income. We are funded by:

Grants - Trusts and Foundations

Statutory Funding


Major Donors

Individual Donations

Corporate Partnerships - Including Torchrunners

Trusts and Foundations

We are building relationships with many grant funders so that we can continue our critical life-changing work with young people.

Our mentoring-based model costs £103,000 per year to support 25 young people.

Our year 1 aim was met, supporting 157 young people over the year, in year 2 we will support 265 young people and in year 3 400. We will only continue to expand when we are fully funded, whether this be by one or several funders.


Our impacts reflect the positive progression that our young people make with our support which enables them to support themselves for life.

Increased confidence and sense of self-worth

Improved well-being, relationships, social skills and communication

Improved life skills such as financial management, cooking and hygiene

Increased meaningful use of time

Increased resilience


Our tangible outcomes are measured quarterly in consultation with each mentor and young person pair.

Reduced offending behaviour

Lowered risk of exploitation

Reduced alcohol and drug use

Improved mental health

Significant movement from NEET to EET


At Caudwell Youth we have a positive attitude and love to have fun.  That’s why we have events you can take part in to help us raise money.  We love that we can have fun and support young people at the same time. 

Whether you want to run the London Marathon, take part in one of our online fundraisers or join us for our annual Celebration event, there are lots of great ways you can support the charity and enjoy yourself too. 

Head to our events page below to see all events, join our mailing list for regular updates and don’t forget to follow us on social media.